See The Music

Welcome, I couldn’t pass up but to enter the Round Robin Photo Challenges on the theme of ‘See the Music’ this time around.  I missed out on the last challenge over Easter holiday.

Music, particularly classical, is a great source of comfort to the mind and soul.  I’ve become passionate, engaged and involved in it at an early age.  Over the years, I had listened to many amazing street musicians during my travels.  Most people don’t realize some of the best music is from street performers. 


This solo guitarist played for a huge crowd in Chatswood, New South Wales, a couple of years ago.  He is a very confident player with a natural gift for the instrument.  Listening to him was a real treat.


As I explored the streets of Frankfurt, Germany last October, I stumbled across this young man.  His music stole my heart; I stayed for a long while until the late afternoon rain started to pour.


Two thumbs up to these brass players in Heidelberg, Germany.


Australian Aboriginal music performers at Circular Quay, Sydney.




Once in a blue moon, I do treat myself to High Tea.  I was at this hotel lounge in Hong Kong last week and listened to some very fine classical pieces. 

Munching on afternoon goodies, writing my journal, listening to these great performers played was indeed heaven on earth.  I’m truly Blessed!  


Last but not least, presenting a very talented young girl who is musical, loves to paint and dance as well.   My beloved niece, Veonie.  She will turn 13 comes September, the Gem of the family.

Music – the universal language, a powerful form of expression and communication for all nations.  Let’s continue to play and sing….

Hats off to the Musicians!

~ by Molly Mavis on May 2, 2009.

14 Responses to “See The Music”

  1. Hi!
    Wonderful Photos!! Beautiful niece!! I like Classical music myself! Have a great day!!


  2. The last photo is precious! Wonderful photos for the challenge.

  3. Wonderful series of pictures, in such interesting places.

  4. These are all such wonderful shots. I wish I could hear the music being played!!

  5. Hi Molly Mavis 🙂

    I am just amazed. These are some of the most wonderful music themeed photos I have seen. Lots of emotion and color. I feel like I am right there to see these beautiful scenes for myself. Beautiful. Well done!

    Carly 🙂

  6. I love seeing photos from around the globe – seeing musicians in Australia, Hong Kong, Germany – how cool! Very nice post!

    Thanks for your comment on my post!


  7. Very nicely done, you have a very interesting series of photos:)

  8. I was fascinated by each of your photos. Superb job!

  9. These are terrific! I love street performers. And the cutie pie towards the end is wonderful!


  10. Wonderful series of music shots! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  11. I agree with Ellen… maybe in the future you should branch out to video and film-making. Then we can enjoy your excellent posts even more, with both sights and sounds.

  12. 上帝造我,必有所用。

  13. Bravo to those dedicated performers and not to forget Molly your passion for the wonderful music and photography.

  14. bonjour,
    Nice serie..Beautiful composition, portraits..Bravo!

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